



Chicken Republic
Chicken Republic
Food and hospitality
Food and hospitality
Creative Advertising
Content Production
Capturing the Pulse of Digital Sentiment
In an innovative marketing move, Chicken Republic, a name synonymous with quality and taste in Nigeria, tapped into the burgeoning love and loyalty it has garnered online. Since July 2023, the brand experienced a significant surge in positive sentiment across digital platforms, notably among both long-standing customers and newcomers.
Capitalising on this digital affection, Chicken Republic embarked on an audacious journey to bring online enthusiasm into the physical world of billboards across Lagos, Nigeria, orchestrating a seamless integration of online and offline marketing strategies.
Curating Digital Enthusiasm
Understanding the power of authentic customer voices, our approach involved an intricate process of selection and curation:
1. Tweet Curation: From a plethora of positive brand mentions, we meticulously selected 10 tweets that perfectly encapsulated the brand’s essence, eventually narrowing it down to 7 exceptional testimonials.
2. Strategic Billboard Placement: We strategically chose locations in Lagos for our billboards, ensuring each was in close proximity to Chicken Republic outlets. This deliberate placement meant maximizing visibility to both current and potential customers.
An Offline Extension of Online Love
This initiative wasn’t just about advertising; it was about celebrating and amplifying real, unsolicited brand endorsements from everyday Nigerians. By bringing these tweets to larger-than-life billboards, Chicken Republic created a tangible and public testament to its online popularity.
Simultaneously, we repositioned traditional influencers as ‘perception managers’. Their role was pivotal in demystifying the offer for new audiences, reassuring them of the genuineness and value of the “buy one get one free” deal. This dual-track influencer strategy not only broadened our reach but also deepened trust in our brand.
From Billboards Back to Bytes
The offline exposure created a boomerang effect. Commuters, intrigued by these real-life tweets, took to the internet, reigniting and expanding the conversation. This strategy blurred the lines between online and offline, creating a continuous loop of engagement and excitement.
Quantifying Brand Love
The “buy one get one free”  campaign not only rejuvenated in-store traffic but also created a massive buzz.
Online impressions
Demonstrating its far-reaching impact on the digital landscape.
Link Clicks
Offline Engagement
Offline views were estimated, indicating substantial real-world interaction with the brand.
Organic Impressions
Chicken Republic's Brand Love Campaign stands as a testament to the brand's innovative and customer-centric approach. By turning authentic customer tweets into prominent billboard advertisements, Chicken Republic not only celebrated its loyal customer base but also created a unique and emotionally resonant marketing strategy. This campaign not only contributed to increased brand visibility and engagement but also set a benchmark for brands looking to leverage the power of genuine customer testimonials in their marketing initiatives — all powered by the Seafood Okra team.
Simultaneously, we repositioned traditional influencers as ‘perception managers’. Their role was pivotal in demystifying the offer for new audiences, reassuring them of the genuineness and value of the “buy one get one free” deal. This dual-track influencer strategy not only broadened our reach but also deepened trust in our brand.